Field observations and research reveal the type of sand and amount of topdressing needed to manage thatch and organic matter accumulation in putting greens. ...
Sand topdressing is one of the most important practices for producing smooth putting surfaces and diluting thatch and organic matter. Despite this fact, some courses only apply sand during aeration or infrequently during the golf season to avoid disrupting golfers ...
Superintendents use topdressing to manage thatch accumulation and maintain smooth putting green surfaces. However, they often avoid topdressing during the growing season because residual coarse sand may interfere with play and dull mower blades. A field study was initiated in ...
That’s exactly what Superintendent Zach Reineking and the staff at Erin Hills did when it was announced in 2010 that the course would be hosting the 2017 U.S. Open. At that time they were already scheduled to host the 2011 ...
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