New Tuque exoGEM fungicide from Syngenta promises snow mold control

By |  July 31, 2023 0 Comments

Syngenta debuts Tuque exoGEM fungicide, designed to control snow mold and protect turf through winter weather extremes.

“Snow mold can delay spring opening if not properly prevented, so we’re excited about the reliable control Tuque exoGEM will bring superintendents,” said Stephanie Schwenke, turf market manager for Syngenta. “We have also included it as part of the GreenTrust 365 Snow Mold Guarantee to give superintendents additional options for confidently preventing snow mold based on the needs of their courses.”

The company says its new formulation helps protect the active ingredients — Solatenol, an SDHI in FRAC group 7, and fludioxonil, a contact fungicide in FRAC group 12 with translaminar activity — from unpredictable weather conditions.

“The exoGEM formulation has been proven to increase the uptake, movement and retention of the active ingredients to significantly improve rainfastness and protect the plant quicker,” said Andrew Coughlin, Ph.D., group leader of formulation and technology for Syngenta. “It also requires very minimal energy to resuspend after storage.”

According to Syngenta, Tuque exoGEM can also be tank-mixed with other fungicides, including Posterity XT, Daconil WeatherStik and Banner Maxx II. Superintendents can also use the new fungicide for other diseases including in-season turf diseases, such as anthracnose, leaf spots and brown ring patch.

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