Mix and Match
Mixing different herbicide combinations together can provide superintendents superior weed control.
They say two is better than one. So it’s no surprise that a combination of two different herbicides mixed together can provide golf course superintendents superior weed control in fewer applications compared to using just one product alone.
“Using multiple products in one application can provide better efficiency and efficacy when it comes to weed control,” said Kaelyn Knoche, Corteva Agriscience Turf & Ornamental territory manager. “Product mixing really comes down to understanding what the superintendent’s needs and goals are. How can this combination help them today as well as this fall and into the spring? It’s all part of a bigger plan.”

Kaelyn Knoche
By mixing the right combination of products, Knoche says superintendents can expect better results from the application. This can reduce the need for additional applications later in the season and free up time for other areas of attention or different projects around the course.
“By combining products, superintendents can save time not only at the time of the application but also in the future,” Knoche said. “Using a preemergent and a postemergent together will help control existing weeds, as well as provide a barrier to weeds that could emerge later in the season.”
When mixing products, Knoche says there are several factors superintendents need to keep in mind. They should first correctly identify the problem weed which will help determine which products can and should be used. A product’s group number, located on the label, is a critical tool to determining the product’s mode of action and how it works to control the weed.
“Almost every product has a group number on its label,” Knoche explains. “You don’t really want to combine two products with the same group number because those products will target the same weeds and work similarly.”
Additional considerations include the time of year and where the turf is in its lifecycle, as Knoche says some products aren’t as effective if turf is, for example, dry and stressed or coming out of dormancy. The type of turf is important as well, especially in transition zones where there is a mixture of cool- and warm-season grasses. Irrigation requirements for the products being mixed together or whether or not a product needs to be watered in is something else for a superintendent to consider.
When adding multiple products into the same tank, superintendents should pay attention to the product formulation. Knoche suggests using the WALES method for proper tank mixing order. Following the WALES method, first fill the tank with at least one half of the water needed for the application. Then add any wettable powders and water dispersible granules, making sure to agitate and fully suspend the material between each product addition. Next, add liquid flowables and suspension concentrates, followed by emulsifiable concentrates, and lastly, add any surfactants. Top off the tank with water to the correct level for the application being applied.
“There are lots of formulations out there and mixing them will depend on how those products work in combination with each other,” she said. “The WALES method is good resource to follow to determine what should go into the tank first.”
While Knoche says there are endless product combinations available, Corteva Agriscience has some tried and true pairings. As an industry-leading preemergence herbicide that also offers excellent early postemergence control of crabgrass and more than 45 other grassy weeds, Dimension® specialty herbicide is the foundation of a turf management program that supers can rely on year after year. When paired with other select Corteva products, the combination delivers even more efficient and effect results,” Knoche said.
Dimension combined with Defendor® specialty herbicide stops weeds from emerging and kills weeds before you see them. It is effective even in cooler temperatures when other products struggle. Defendor controls winter annual weeds like clover, dandelion, and chickweeds, while Dimension prevents other broadleaf and grassy weeds from emerging later in the spring, like crabgrass and goosegrass.
Dimension mixed with GameOn® specialty herbicide is another strong combination to control weeds through multiple seasons. GameOn provides control on broadleaf weeds, and the preemergent activity of Dimension controls grassy weeds though the spring, summer, and fall..
Dimension used with Gallery® specialty herbicide provides the broadest spectrum of pre-emergent control, targeting grassy and broadleaf weeds at the same time in turf and landscapes.
“Now is the perfect time to consider adding Dimension into your portfolio,” Knoche said. “Through the Corteva Ultimate Rewards program, supers can earn year-long savings and rebates on all of these Corteva products and more.”
Before considering and mixing product combinations, Knoche stresses the importance of following the label. Most labels even contain information about effective product combinations. Distributors and university researchers are fundamental and reliable sources of information for superintendents who want to ensure they are mixing the right products the right way for the best results.
“Above all else,” Knoche said, “the label is the law.”