Golfdom Gallery: January 2024

Photo: Golfdom staff
SBI 2023: Mark LaFleur (left), communications lead for turf and landscape for Syngenta and Stephanie Schwenke (right), marketing manager for Syngenta, hosted Golfdom Digital Media Specialist Sydney Fischer at the 2023 Syngenta Business Institute in Winston-Salem, N.C.

Photo: Golfdom staff
U.S. Open preview: The view from the 18th tee on Pinehurst No. 2 with (left to right) Seth Jones, Golfdom; Jonathan Bym, The Pilot; caddies Dave and Doak; and Matt LaWell, Golf Course Industry. Jones reports his putt from off the green earned him a golf clap from the patio.

Photo: Golfdom staff
Pointers from Points: North Coast Media CEO Kevin Stoltman (left) and NCM’s vice president of finance and operations Steve Galperin (right) were joined for 18 holes by PGA Tour player D.A. Points at Reunion Resort near Orlando.

Photo: Golfdom staff
Quality time with Quali-Pro: The Golfdom team, along with its sister publications Landscape Management (LM) and Pest Management Professional (PMP), traveled to Houston to visit the team at Quali-Pro. From left to right are: Marty Whitford, PMP; Jones; Mayra Castorina, Quali-Pro; Stoltman; Bill Roddy, publisher, LM; Erica Cardenas, Quali-Pro; Sam Pass, Quali-Pro; Mike Joyce, PMP; Craig MacGregor, publisher, Golfdom; and Tim Walker, Quali-Pro.

Photo: Golfdom staff
More wisdom from Waco: Jones and former Golfdom Editor Christina Herrick caught up with Jim Moore, retired USGA Green Section director of education, while at a conference in Dallas. Moore now spends his time farming and writing the occasional column for Golfdom.

Photo: Golfdom staff
A chance encounter on the River Walk: Jones bumped into (left to right) Selena Sutton-Jensen of Sutton Irrigation; Carmen Magro, Ph.D., CGCS, of Pogo / Stevens Water Monitoring Systems; and Scott Sutton, superintendent at the Club at Sunrise, Las Vegas, Nev.