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About Paul Koch, Ph.D
Paul Koch, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of plant pathology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he conducts research and provides information to professional turf managers on disease management and control. Koch's research article in the August 2013 issue of Golfdom, "Beat the summer heat, plan for snow mold," won a TOCA Award (merit) for turf feature article. Koch can be reached at
Posts by Paul Koch, Ph.D
Mike Kenna offers a look at all of the best turfgrass research that has been published by Golfdom within the past year of 2020. Read more»
Paul Koch, Ph.D., describes snow mold control methods and look backs at the 2019-2020 winter to help prepare for 2020-2021. Read more»
Every winter is different. Some are snowier than others, some are colder than others and some have those dreaded ice events. Sometimes our research plots have lots of snow mold, Read more»
Snow mold is one of the primary diseases of golf course turf in Wisconsin, as it is in much of the northern United States. Depending on your location, snow mold Read more»
As spring approaches, some especially devastating diseases once again rear their ugly heads. Argued to be the costliest disease of turfgrass worldwide, dollar spot will be on a lot of Read more»
One of the most important aspects of a superintendent’s job is effectively controlling disease. However, not all turf diseases are created equal. We sometimes observe certain diseases that are not Read more»