AMGUARD’s 2024 Early Order Program

Photo: Amguard
Save during AMGUARD’s 2024 Early Order Program. No enrollment form. No signing up. Simply order Sept. 1, 2024 – Nov. 30, 2024.
Save now on:
- Fungicides
- Herbicides
- Insecticides
- Molluscicide
- Soil Fumigant
Included AMGUARD products:
- Basamid® G (Dazomet): Get clean regrassing results. Restricted use pesticide.
- Deadline® Ornamental (Metaldehyde): One last meal for slugs and snails. Barrier protection with rain and irrigation-resistant mini-pellets.
- Orthene® Turf, Tree & Ornamental Spray 97 (Acephate): Systemic insecticide for landscape plants
- Orthene® Turf, Tree & Ornamental WSP (Acephate): Protect trees, shrubs, ornamentals, and golf course turf from labeled insect pests in a water-soluble packet.
- Premion® Fungicide (PCNB + Tebuconazole): Attack anthracnose with dual modes of action delivering contact and systemic activity.
- Scepter® T&O 70 WDG Herbicide (Imazaquin): Weed control in southern landscape beds
- Surepyc® IQ (Imazaquin + Sulfentrazone): Destroy doveweed and 70+ weeds in warm-season turfgrass
- Turfcide® 10G (PCNB): Unsurpassed snow mold protection in a granular formulation for control of all three major snow mold pathogens
- Turfcide® 400 (PCNB): Unsurpassed snow mold protection for control of all three major snow mold pathogens
- Wisdom® EZ (Bifenthrin): Bifenthrin granular on a water dispersible carrier for easier and more uniform application. Provides broad spectrum control of labeled lawn and perimeter pests.
About AMGUARD Environmental Technologies
AMGUARD Environmental Technologies is an emerging provider of specialty technology solutions for the US Public Health, Pest Control, Ornamental & Greenhouse, Golf, Lawn & Landscape, and Consumer markets.
From our RTP headquarters and labs, AMGUARD discovers, develops and commercializes a diverse portfolio of proven chemistries, innovative technologies, and green solutions into diverse markets.
At our core, we are innovators. We are committed to protecting the population from disease vectors, mitigating structural pest damage, creating healthy outdoor living spaces, and maintaining outdoor sports and recreation venues. Our mission is to provide our customers with powerful technology solutions to keep their businesses strong and growing.
BASAMID G, DEADLINE ORNAMENTAL, ORTHENE TURF, TREE & ORNAMENTAL 97 SPRAY, ORTHENE TURF, TREE & ORNAMENTAL WSP, PREMION FUNGICIDE, SCEPTER T&O 70 WDG HERBICIDE, SUREPYC IQ, TURFCIDE 10G, TURFCIDE 400, and WISDOM EZ are EPA registered products of AMVAC Chemical Corporation. BASAMID G is a restricted use pesticide. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state agency responsible for pesticide registration to ensure registration status.
©2024 AMVAC Chemical Corporation. All rights reserved. AMERICAN VANGUARD, AMVAC, AMGUARD, PREMION, SUREPYC, TURFCIDE, WISDOM, and respective logos are trademarks owned by AMVAC Chemical Corporation. AMGUARD Environmental Technologies is the specialty markets division of AMVAC Chemical Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of American Vanguard Corporation. BASAMID is a trademark of Kanesho Soil Treatment SPRL/BVBA. DEADLINE is a trademark of Deahinder LLC. ORTHENE is a trademark of OMS Investments, Inc. SCEPTER is a trademark of BASF.