2017 U.S. Open recap
News from Erin Hills
USGA overreacting to player complaints? Na.
Tuesday morning the maintenance crew found themselves unexpectedly in the spotlight when they were sent out to mow down rough mid-morning, which some people attributed to a negative reaction by Kevin Na on Instagram. READ MORE
A Championship seven years in the making
Superintendent Zach Reineking and the staff at Erin Hills had a list of things to accomplish when they found out in 2010 that the course would be hosting the 2017 U.S. Open. READ MORE
Rolling with a next generation superintendent
Rolling greens for the 2017 U.S. Open is no easy task, but Maintenance Intern Drew Monogue hopes it’s just the start of the path that will lead to becoming a superintendent. READ MORE
Local golf fans help maintain Erin Hills during the U.S. Open
It’s fitting that for Wisconsin’s first U.S. Open, the crew has some local golf course maintenance amateurs working side-by-side with the seasoned professionals. READ MORE
Hurdzan happy with results
On Tuesday of U.S. Open week, the spotlight was just getting ready to shine its brightest on Erin Hills when Golfdom ran into celebrated architect Dr. Col. Mike Hurdzan, ASGCA. Read on for his thoughts on the course and the adaptability of the crew. READ MORE
U.S. Open Caption This winners, honorable mentions
During the 2017 U.S. Open at Erin Hills, we challenged you, our readers, to caption this photo. There were a lot of solid entries, but only two can take home the U.S. Open swag. Drumroll, please… READ MORE
Talking conditions at 2017 US Open Pt. 1
Here are a couple of soundbites from two U.S. Open competitors who Editor-in-Chief Seth Jones chatted with Tuesday afternoon… READ MORE
Talking conditions at 2017 U.S. Open Pt. 2
We spent a lot of time with the maintenance staff learning about them and what it took to get the course to where it is today, but it was time to ask the professional golfers what they thought of all the hard work. This time it was Associate Editor Grant Gannon’s turn to see what the pros had to say about the course. READ MORE
Erin Hills earns respect
The first U.S. Open in Wisconsin braves severe weather and extreme heat to provide the ultimate test of golf. READ MORE
For more photos, check out our photo parades here and here.
Catching up with Erin Hills Associate Superintendent John Jaques
Golfdom talks to John Jaques about getting the volunteer crew ready for the U.S. Open, as well as the course’s use of turf tarps on specific areas of the fairways over the winter.
A word from our sponsor
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BASF shares U.S. Open secrets to success
Jeff Vannoy of BASF Professional Turf & Ornamentals and his team consulted with the crew at Erin Hills on how to get the best out of their products in anticipation of the U.S. Open. Now he’s willing to share some of that secret sauce with you. READ MORE
What it takes to get Erin Hills ready for a major tournament
While at the U.S. Open, Seth Jones talked with BASF’s Sales Specialist Randy Lusher to find out what it takes to get this unique course ready for one of golf’s vaunted Majors. WATCH
Photos: Golfdom