Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) is a problematic annual grassy weed found on golf course turf across the United States in summer. This species germinates from seed each spring, with emergence typically occurring several weeks after superintendents begin to see summer annual ...
Matt Elmore, Ph.D., is a turfgrass weed scientist at Rutgers University. Matt and his team have an extensive weed science research program, and they place an emphasis on understanding goosegrass and its control. You may reach Matt at for ...
Don’t let last year’s Sedge be this year’s problem. Fight Sedge, Kyllinga, Poa annua, Crabgrass and Goosegrass with one novel preemerge. Echelon® Herbicide provides effective preemergence control of perennial sedges like yellow nutsedge and green kyllinga, an impressive three ...
Scott McElroy, Ph.D., is a turfgrass weed scientist at Auburn University. Scott conducts numerous field and laboratory experiments each year to develop weed control strategies for golf courses. You may reach Scott at for more information. Q: How widespread ...
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