Syngenta launches Velista fungicide
Syngenta has launched Velista fungicide for control of turf diseases such as brown patch, dollar spot and anthracnose.
Velista, a dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) class fungicide, cleans up diseases during transition times from spring to summer and fall to winter on all turf types. Velista can be applied to greens, fairways, collars and roughs.
“With Velista, there is now a broad-spectrum SDHI on the market that superintendents can use to clean up spring and fall dollar spot,” says Howard Jaekle, fungicide brand manager, Syngenta Turf and Landscape. “Superintendents have a new tool to manage summer disease on greens because of the turf safety Velista offers in addition to its excellent control of anthracnose.”
Velista is a water-dispersible granular (WDG) formulation and can mix with tank partners such as Daconil Action or Secure brand fungicides.
Its active ingredient, penthiopyrad, features a differentiating mode of action and is in Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) group 7. When used in rotation with Briskway fungicide, Velista provides control of summer stress diseases on greens when temperatures transition from warm to hot.
“With the addition of Velista to the Syngenta portfolio, Syngenta is able to provide superintendents with a complete fungicide program,” says Bob Goglia, head of marketing,Syngenta Turf and Landscape. “The results that I have seen with this second-generation SDHI control on a variety of diseases is truly outstanding.”