Photo Parade: 2017 Presidents Cup pt. 1

Our 2017 Presidents Cup coverage sponsor, BASF, was one of the companies that sponsored the maintenance team hospitality area.

We heard that the perfect target for this tee shot is just right of the Freedom Tower (the tallest building in the Manhattan skyline).

Liberty National Superintendent Greg James told us that all the volunteers help, “Get a lot of work done fast.” Having five mowers in formation down a fairway definitely gets work done fast!

No, this isn’t a smaller replica of a court at Wimbledon. It’s the grandstand surrounding the first tee at Liberty National this week. Talk about the opportunity for an electric atmosphere.

Sometimes you just have to do a job by hand, like this maintenance team member rolling one of Liberty National’s greens.

The Manhattan skyline background of Liberty National’s driving range is unlike anything we’ve ever seen.

(L to R) Eric Greytok, national sales director at Macrosorb, Greg James, Liberty National GC superintendent, and Brian Gjelsvik, owner of Seeton Turf, take a sneak peek at the view the golfers will face this week from tee No. 1.

All the players we spoke with from the International team raved about Liberty National’s greens. 2013 Masters champion Adam Scott told us, “The greens are pure and they’re pretty quick… Condition-wise you can put this course up against any.”

Look who stopped by the maintenance facility to thank the crew! WGHOF member & Liberty National co-designer Tom Kite!

“The greens are phenomenal… Course conditions are as good as we’ve played all year.” – Jhonattan Vegas

Great time hanging with the team from Floratine during the Presidents Cup.

Kudos to the worker assembling the perch, for not caring that Oosthuizen was putting & wailing on that drill!
Photos: Golfdom