PBI-Gordon: Tekken Broad Spectrum Fungicide

Photo: PBI-Gordon
Tekken™ Broad Spectrum Fungicide from PBI-Gordon uses two modes of action to deliver dependable control of 21 diseases, including anthracnose, dollar spot, and brown patch. A proprietary blend of isofetamid and tebuconazole, it provides preventative, systemic control for up to 28 days per application. Tekken also controls listed diseases with the same application rate, thus saving time and money.
Labeled for use on golf course greens, tees, and fairways, Tekken is the only SDHI (succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor) + DMI (demethylation inhibitor) fungicide combo on the market labeled for control of 21 diseases. Tekken offers a patent-pending formulation that increases turf quality while reducing the risk of turf damage compared to stand-alone DMI applications. And the different modes of action provide broad-spectrum disease control while helping manage resistance.
For more information, visit PBIGordonTurf.com.