Ohio State University to host turfgrass field day on Aug. 1
The Ohio State University, in conjunction with the Ohio State Turfgrass Science Team, will host a turfgrass field day on Aug. 1.
Presenters include Dave Sheltar, Ph.D., entomology professor emeritus with Ohio State University, and Golfdom columnist and research editor Karl Danneberger, Ph.D.
The two will offer updates on turfgrass insecticides, tick management and the golf course superintendent certification program. Sheltar’s opening talk will review label changes to neonicotinoids and current recommendations to optimize efficacy through timing.
Other topics covered will include wetting agents, annual bluegrass weevil, the effect of shade on putting greens and more.
The field day will be held at the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation Research and Education Facility. Registration fee includes refreshments and lunch. Registration will be available on the day of the event.