Masterblend International puts $500,000 into fertilizer blending process

By |  November 24, 2014 0 Comments

masterblend_intlMasterblend International has completed a $500,000 renovation to its water-soluble fertilizer blending room, equipment and processes.

The new system has proven to increase efficiency, purity and accuracy of the blending process while decreasing start to finish blending time by as much as 75 percent, according to the company.

The new climate-controlled blending room is equipped with HVAC equipment optimized with monitoring systems to control temperature and relative humidity, which Masterblend says results in a drier product with maximum flowability.

The new blending equipment utilizes a high-speed conveyor to transport raw materials to the blending system and into the final package in a fraction of the time of the previous system. The contained conveyor system is also easier to clean and inhibits cross-contamination due to material build-up. The high speeds at which materials are transported along with the shorter route to the blending machine give the materials less time to segregate resulting in a more thoroughly combined final product, says Masterblend.

“The new system allows us to provide a purer product with a longer shelf life to our customers,” says Mark Jeffries, vice president of Masterblend International. “Our products have always been blended with the highest quality components, but the technologies involved in this new process optimize our product even further by dramatically reducing environmental exposure, blending more accurately and efficiently, and getting the product into its final packaging faster.”

This is posted in Industry News, Research

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