Golfdom Gallery: 90th anniversary edition
1. Family affair (L to R) Ben Chevlin, Herb Graffis, Joe Graffis and then-Golfdom Publisher Bob Abramson attend the 1969 GCSAA Father and Son Luncheon. This annual event was sponsored by Golfdom for years and at its height would see close to 100 father and son superintendents in attendance.
2. Think we could take this off-roadin’? (L to R) Dave Marmelstein, Indian Hills C.C., Ft. Salonga, N.Y., and Joe Alozzi, Huntingon (N.Y.) Crescent Club, check out one of Toro Co.’s latest and greatest pieces of equipment at the 1976 GCSAA show in Minneapolis.
3. “It’s really him!” We can’t tell if (left) Joe Oppenheimer, the AMF Ben Hogan Co.’s southern California territory district manager, was more excited about receiving the company’s 1975 Master Salesman Award or getting his picture taken with nine-time major champion Ben Hogan.
4. Educational vacation Five years after retiring, turfgrass industry pioneer O.J. Noer traveled to Hawaii, the Philippines, Hong Kong and Japan to see how golf courses were maintained on the islands. He wrote about his trip in the April 1965 edition of Golfdom. Noer poses for a photo at Kasumigaseki Golf Course with a female caddy and the course superintendent, Mr. Shiokawa.
5. Stand by your man In a tradition that continues today, a group of superintendent wives — (L to R)Mrs. Harold Stodola, Mrs. Stan Graves, Mrs. Charley Burns, Mrs. Don Boyd and Mrs. Edith Butler — joined their husbands at the 1941 Greenkeeping Superintendents Association’s annual conference in Detroit.
6. Ms. 59 and the Atlanta Athletic Club crew Taken at the 2015 Golfdom Summit, former AAC assistants Kasey Kauff (now superintendent at Trinity Forest GC, Dallas), Tyler Andersen (now superintendent at University of Texas GC, Austin) and Kyle Johnson (now superintendent at Carolina CC, Raleigh, N.C.) pose for a photo with Annika Sorenstam.
7. The day the Stanley Cup came to work In 2009, the Stanley Cup — won by the Pittsburgh Penguins — visited the maintenance facility at Oakmont (Pa.) CC. Oakmont’s then-superintendent, John Zimmers (now superintendent at Inverness Club, Toledo, Ohio), is to the right of the cup, and current Oakmont Superintendent Dave Delsandro sits to the left.
8. Jonesy and Feherty Golfdom EIC Seth Jones (left) caught up with David Feherty at the 2012 AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am, where the two talked about Feherty’s short-lived career working on a golf maintenance crew in Ireland (he left a tractor in neutral; it rolled off a cliff).
9. One heck of a hayride At the 2015 PGA Championship, Wisconsin State Troopers stopped traffic to allow this flatbed full of maintenance workers to move to the south end of the Straits Course at Whistling Straits.
10. Grip it and rip it For our April 2011 cover, a fitter, happier Mark Woodward took great delight in ripping in half the January 2010 issue of Golfdom, which featured a somber photo of him during his tenure as GCSAA CEO. Woodward is now the director of agronomy at Whisper Rock GC in Scottsdale, Ariz.
11. Put ‘er there, Mr. Palmer Long-time Superintendent Bob Cook appeared in the December 2014 issue of Golfdom with our favorite reader (and longtime friend of Herb Graffis), the one and only Arnold Palmer.
Photos: Golfdom archive (1-5); Pete Seltzer (6); Courtesy of Oakmont (7); Sean Lipford (8); Seth Jones (9, 10); Courtesy of Bob Cook (11)