Golf course management books by Karl Danneberger
Golf course management books by Karl Danneberger
Golf Course Management
Developed as a complement to the Ohio State University Golf Course Management Certificate Program, the ebook covers the major topics in the certificate program. Topics include the primary turf grass species, cultural practices and major pests on golf courses.
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Golf Course Management: Advanced
Golf Course Management: Advanced covers the major environmental stresses of turfgrass. The major sections discussed as they pertain to the management of turfgrass is light, temperature, moisture, and water quality. The book was developed as a learning aide for advanced golf course management certificate at The Ohio State University.
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Historical Perspectives on Golf Course Design and Management
This book was developed as a supplemental source of information for the course entitled “Historical Perspectives on Golf Course Design and Management”.
To download, click here.
Winter Injury
Turfgrass injury caused by temperature, moisture and diseases collectively known as winter injury are discussed.
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Turfgrass Management: Turfgrasses
Turfgrasses provide functional, aesthetic and recreational benefits to society. This book looks at the adaptation, use, morphology, and distinguishing characteristics of the major cool and warm season turfgrasses. Establishment procedures, management programs and the major pests of each turfgrass is discussed.
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Turfgrass Management: Root Pathogens
The root pathogens cause serious diseases on both cool and warm season turf grasses. Symptoms are similar among the root diseases. The pathogens themselves are difficult to identify. Each disease section discusses the identification, symptoms, pathogen and control management strategies both culturally and chemically.
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Salt Affected Sites
Water is a limited and increasingly scarce commodity on golf courses, athletic fields, and landscapes. Not only the amount of water available for irrigation purposes is restricted in many areas, but the water quality used is poor. In this book we look at the impact of irrigation water high in salinity on turfgrasses. Material covered is the effects of salinity on turf, how to read a water quality report, and what the values mean, and management practices to minimize the effect of salinity on turfgrass health. Through an interactive learning environment the reader gains knowledge through videos, animations, photographs and case studies.
To download, click here.
These resources are free to download. To view all downloadable books by Karl Danneberger, click here.