FMC: Solitare WSL Herbicide – One Product for Control of Sedges, Broadleaf & Grassy Weeds
FMC’s Solitare WSL (3/4 and 2.5 gallon sizes) herbicides are for selective weed control in turf, including residential, commercial, and institutional lawns, athletic fields, commercial sod farms, golf course fairways and roughs, and other non-crop sites.
They work well on nutsedge, wild violets, and crabgrass. The Solitare formulation contains a surfactant and will not settle out or separate when mixed with water. It is designed to combat, in a single application, crabgrass, sedges, and broadleaf weeds, and eliminate the need to tank mix with other herbicides. It is also designed to control goosegrass, ground ivy, chickweed, closer, spurge, and many other troublesome weeds.