Clemson Turfgrass Research and Education Field Day returns in-person in 2022
After COVID-19 forced the 2020 Clemson University Turfgrass Research and Education Field Day to go virtual and canceled the 2021 field day, organizers report it’s back in person this year.
There is no charge for the event, which begins at 8:45 a.m. on Aug. 16 at the Walker Golf Course Maintenance Facility.
Topics covered will include updates on a Poa annua project, a leaf and sheath blight – mini-ring – biology and control project, native plant selection for out-of-play areas on South Carolina golf courses, diseases and fungicides, as well as control and management strategies for bermudagrass stunt mites.
Field tours include stops at research greens to discuss Virginia buttonweed, crabgrass and controls of spurge and bermudagrass off-types. Information about new greens grades for ultradwarf bermudagrasses and ultradwarf zoysiagrasses for pest resistance and puttability also will be provided.
Additional educational stops will provide participants with information about using Samurai herbicide to control Cockscomb Kyllinga and controls to use post-Cockscomb Kyllinga. New bermudagrass for fairways and home lawns for maximum pest resistance, new zoysiagrasses for fairways with inherent pest resistance, a St. Augustine grass cultivar evaluation trial for turf performance and copper tolerance of Tifeagle bermudagrass will also be touched on.
Following lunch, participants will travel to Clemson Memorial Stadium to learn about sting nematodes and fraze mowing for thatch removal and turf recovery. Self-guided tours of Clemson turfgrass research facilities will be available.