Bayer’s Tetrino insecticide now available for purchase in California
Bayer’s Tetrino — an insecticide featuring the active ingredient tetraniliprole, is now available for purchase in California. The company says Tetrino helps control white grub, bluegrass billbugs, fall armyworm and other pests.
Tetrino was first released in 2021
“With the availability of Tetrino, superintendents and lawn care operators in California now have one solution with flexible application timing to control the toughest, turf-damaging insects,” Zac Reicher, Ph.D., technical service turfgrass manager for the west region of the Bayer U.S. Turf & Ornamentals business, said. “Other options for managing these pests require multiple products and strict application windows. With Tetrino, superintendents and lawn care operators will improve their turf management game and have more freedom and time to devote to other projects.”
In addition to flexible application timing, superintendents can incorporate Tetrino into other management programs for treating pests like chinch bugs, caterpillars and billbugs. Absorbed through the roots and shoots of the turf, tetraniliprole causes immediate cessation of insect feeding following exposure.