Bayer showcases Indemnify and Exteris Stressgard at GIS

By |  February 24, 2017 0 Comments

“End of the road, nematode” is one of the ad taglines for Bayer’s new Indemnify nematicide. Showcased in February at the Golf Industry Show (GIS) in Orlando, Indemnify features fluopyram as its active ingredient (AI), and can be used as a preventative or curative cure for key plant parasitic nematodes.

According to Dr. Derek Settle, a specialist with Bayer’s Green Solutions Team, Indemnify controls Sting, Stem-gall, Ring, Root-lesion, Awl, Cyst, Dagger, Needle, Pin, Root-knot, Sheath, Sheathoid, Stubby-root and Stunt nematodes. In addition to golf course greens, tees and fairways, Indemnify applications may be made to sod farms, sports fields, and residential, commercial, institutional and municipal turfgrass.

Bayer-DrRobertGolembiewskiDr. Settle said Indemnify — a liquid, soluble concentrate formulation — requires no golf play interruption and no additional watering. Superintendents can apply an Indemnify broadcast treatment one time per year at the maximum usage rate (0.39 fluid ounce per 1,000 square feet) or two broadcast applications annually at 0.195 fluid ounce per 1,000 square feet. Up to four additional curative spot treatments may be made annually.

Bayer Green Solutions Specialist Dr. Robert Golembiewski showcased Exteris Stressgard at work via seven hydroponic cylinders at the company’s GIS booth. Combining two AIs — fluopyram and trifloxystrobin — the Exteris fungicide features Leaf-Cote Technology to enhance spray droplet dynamics (droplet coverage, adhesion, etc.), and Stressgard Formulation Technology for enhanced plant health, and the alleviation of abiotic, biotic and wear stresses.

“It’s clear ‘the control’ — the untreated Creeping Bentgrass plug in Cylinder 1 — has nowhere near the root depth or density that the Exteris-treated Creeping Bentgrass plug has in Cylinder 2,” Dr. Golembiewski noted. “The Exteris-treated turfgrass plug in Cylinder 2 also has far superior turf color, quality and density.”

Photo: Golfdom

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