Bayer names golf business manager for T&O division

By and |  October 31, 2013

Environmental Science, a division of Bayer CropScience LP, has hired David Wells as golf business manager for its North American turf and ornamentals (T&O) business.

“David’s depth of experience in both turf management and manufacturing is an ideal fit for this role, and will help connect us even more closely with our superintendent customers,” said Jose Milan, head of Bayer’s T&O business. “As golf business manager, David will enhance our laser focus specifically on the changing needs of golf course superintendents and the golf industry.”

Wells will lead Bayer’s presence in the golf market segment with a focus on all current and future products, services, equipment and programs. He will focus on golf segment-specific portfolio management and integrated campaigns and serve as industry liaison between Bayer and key golf industry associations.

“I’m excited to be part of the Bayer team, and look forward to working with Bayer and superintendents to explore the future of the industry, and find new ways to meet the needs of superintendents and golfers,” said Wells.

Wells brings to Bayer more than two decades of T&O industry experience. He recently helped drive sales for industry manufacturers, managing both sales and agronomic teams. Previously, he served as a golf course superintendent for more than five years – in Australia, Hawaii, and San Diego – and as an assistant superintendent in Tucson and New Zealand.

Wells also served for more than 14 years as a senior agronomist and turf industry consultant for the New Zealand Sports Turf Institute, where he supported turf maintenance and construction on both warm- and cool-season turf across New Zealand, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. He is an accredited tutor for the New Zealand Certificate of Sports Turf Maintenance and has presented numerous training courses in turf management, both in New Zealand and internationally.

In addition, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Horticulture from Massey University, New Zealand.


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About the Author: Kelly Limpert

Kelly Limpert is the former digital media content producer for North Coast Media.

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