Ascernity fungicide from Syngenta receives registration in California

Ascernity Fungicide has been registered in California for use on golf courses to help superintendents to control key turf diseases. (Photo courtesy of Syngenta)
Ascernity fungicide, from Syngenta, has been registered for use on turf and golf courses in California. According to the company, the fungicide will help superintendents control anthracnose, large patch, gray leaf spot and more.
“It’s exciting to finally receive the registration of Ascernity in California after several years of testing on turf,” said Dean Mosdell, Ph.D., technical services manager for Syngenta. “Ascernity adds a powerful tool to our disease control programs for cool- and warm-season turf in California.”
Ascernity combines SDHI Solatenol technology (benzovindiflupyr) with difenoconazole, the proven cooling DMI, to bring broad-spectrum disease control into focus.
According to the company, Ascernity offers superintendents:
- Control of diseases like anthracnose, large patch, summer patch, brown ring patch, gray leaf spot, microdochium patch, dollar spot and more
- Suppression of rapid blight under a 2(ee) label
- Turf safety with no heat restrictions even in the summer when disease pressure is high