Vertex Aquatic Solutions launches Oxygen Saturation Technology product

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Vertex Aquatic Solutions has introduced its oxygenation saturation technology (OST) to eliminate lake anoxia while preserving stratification. The side-stream saturation technology manages anoxia by pumping low dissolved oxygen (DO) water from a lake, canal or lagoon, saturate it with oxygen and return the water.
A characteristic of eutrophic lakes and reservoirs is oxygen demand in the bottom waters that exceeds available oxygen stored in the bottom waters during stratification. As a result, bottom waters remain anoxic for a significant portion of the year leading to nutrient recycling, harmful algae blooms, habitat loss, fish kills, odors and decline in water clarity. Vertex Aquatic Solutions’ method of OST by adding oxygen is quantifiable, allowing for any specified concentration of dissolved oxygen to be maintained based on water depth, temperature and salinity.
Vertex said this OST technology is patent-pending and was developed along with partner Gantzer Water.
“This breakthrough technology is going to change the way we manage anoxia and improve lake water quality drastically,” said Patrick Goodwin, aquatic resource scientist for Vertex Aquatic Solutions.
The new Vertex OST is equipped with a water pump specified for either freshwater or saltwater, oxygen dissolution chambers, bubble capturing system (BCS) and plumbing. Vertix said the system has been designed to deliver the full capacity of oxygen generated at the lowest possible electrical cost. High oxygen water is injected via an energy-dissipating header (EDH) into the bottom waters of a lake or canal, where it will move through natural dispersion throughout the entire density layer. There are no bubbles made during the process and no mixing is needed.