United Turf Alliance introduces new ArmorTech ZOXY-T fungicide

By |  August 18, 2015 0 Comments

ArmorTech-ZOXY-T-Product-Shot_webUnited Turf Alliance (UTA) has introduced ArmorTech ZOXY-T, a new golf course fungicide that combines azoxystrobin and tebuconazole, which will be available this fall.

The combination of the two fungicide technologies delivers broad-spectrum disease control including patch diseases such as brown patch, foliar diseases such as dollar spot and soil-borne pathogens including Pythium, according to UTA. ArmorTech ZOXY-T can be applied at its highest rate to greens and tees to deliver a full amount of each active ingredient or spray at a lower rate for economical fairway disease control.

ArmorTech ZOXY-T is currently labeled for golf course use only and is available in four 1-gallon cases from UTA members and partners.

“ArmorTech ZOXY-T is a game changer for golf course disease control,” says UTA President Tim Zech. “We expect this product will be used to treat thousands of fairway acres that superintendents could not previously afford to spray with the strobilurin class of fungicides. With tebuconazole being so complementary to azoxystrobin, it’s tough to imagine a better agronomic combination based on efficacy.”

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