Turfco releases new fairway topdresser

The CR-15, from Turfco, is an all-purpose machine that can save superintendents time and money. (Photo: Turfco)
The CR-15, a topdresser available from Turfco, gives golf course superintendents and turf pros a tool for managing large areas with precision and control.
The CR-15 delivers precise control over application rates and spread widths on large-area jobs such as fairways. It is equipped with a digital smart controller that gives superintendents the ability to calculate their preferred rates and then lock-in rates and widths into four savable presets. They can set and save all of their applications at the same time to get the perfect topdressing program every time, Turfco said.
For efficiency while in use, the equipment operator can switch between the various presets on the fly, varying the spread rate and width for different areas, for example. This allows the operator to move from wide to narrower areas and still maintain the same application rate — improving productivity without wasting material.
“With the CR-15, superintendents can optimize their spread application programs so that they use only as much material as necessary to get the job done correctly and quickly,” said Scott Kinkead, executive vice president, Turfco Manufacturing.
The edge-to-edge spread capability of the CR-15 allows operators to lay down their spreads evenly with accuracy. According to Turfco, this means material won’t be wasted by spreading into the rough. The CR-15’s hydraulics and spinner design allow for uniform application, with edge-to-edge spreads at any desired width and rate within a 15- to 45-foot range.
The topdresser can also assist superintendents in determining their topdressing budget by eliminating guesswork. Superintendents can input the estimated square footage of the area to be topdressed and desired application rate into the smart controller, which will calculate how much material is needed to do the job.
The CR-15 is backed by Turfco’s three-year warranty, and the machine doubles as an all-purpose construction and turf-renovation machine. It can be operated as a loader or can be fitted with attachments and used during course renovation, remediation and new construction work.