From a dream encounter to snow in April, recapping our 2022 turf tweets

By |  December 27, 2022 2 Comments

For the past year, in partnership with Syngenta, Golfdom has recognized a tweet that stood out as especially poignant, impactful or just downright funny, in each issue. Now we ask … what was the best of the year?

Check out all of the 2022 Turf Tweets below. Once you have reviewed them, please vote using the link at the bottom.

January 2022: Countdown to the end

John Halloran, (@halloran_j), Grassland Equipment & Irrigation, Latham, N.Y.

“13 working days until retirement. SUNY Cobleskill, a great start to a nearly 50-year career in the Green Industry. Great memories, teachers and lifetime friends.”

February 2022: A beautiful sight

Nathan Glaser, (@NathanGlaser), superintendent at Iron Wood CC, Palm Desert, Calif.

“There is something incredibly satisfying about this photo.”

March 2022: A dream encounter

Arianna Roquemore, (@plurrianna) assistant-in-training at Valley CC, Aurora, Colo.

“WHEN I SAY MY HEART WAS GOING SO FAST @JordanSpieth. Swear he’s the nicest person ever. Got him to sign the work hat, putting it on the shelf when I get home! I love my job.”

April 2022: Using your voice

Kevin Kallas, (@CubbieKK), superintendent at Saddle Rock GC, Aurora, Colo.

“Of all the things I have done and still want to do in my life, never thought being at the State Capital speaking up for my profession in front of the CO Senate Ag Committee would be one of them. Definitely not like the field trip I took in 6th grade. @RMGCSA @GCSAA #didntblackout.”

May 2022: Snow in April

Dan Grogan, (@purdueturfy) superintendent at The Sagamore Club, Noblesville, Ind.

“Reminding myself that it’s supposed to be 80 degrees in 5 days…..”

June 2022: Is this right, boss?

Joe Berggren, (@joeberggren) superintendent at The Wilds in Prior Lake, Minn.

“My team is doing great! I didn’t even know we were expanding the tees this year!”

July 2022: You can’t park there!

Joe Berggren, (@BorRazu13) superintendent at Eastpointe CC, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.

“Hey can’t park there! #scubasteve.”

August 2022: Quality family time

Greg Nickerson, (@ganick23) superintendent at Erin Shores GC, Madison, Ohio.

“A little short handed today, so brought the boy in for cup changing training. #familytime.”

September 2022: A big thank you

Jon Urbanski, (@jonurbo) director of golf course grounds at Wilmington CC, Del.

“Best days of my life: day I got married to @KatieNieradka birth of two children @alexa_urbanski Johnny Boy & the @BMWchamps. This last point is not possible without our dedicated team of employees & our volunteers! THANK YOU TO ALL MUCH LOVE.”

October 2022: A shocking discovery

Rian Simpson, (@TurfSimpsonR), assistant superintendent at The Harvester Club, Iowa.

“Always heard about it, never seen it. Now I have!”

November 2022: Can maintenance get it?

Craig Spicer, (@TurfcareCraig), superintendent at Legends G&CC Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada.

“Note from the pro shop, sorry Clyde I’m not going swimming for the club you threw into the pond.”


December 2022: Closed for the season!

Kyle Stirn, (@kstirn73) superintendent at Baker National GC, Medina, Minn.

“CLOSED for the season!!!”

Vote for your favorite Turf Tweet of the year here. The winner will be honored with a couple of fun prizes from our magazine and our friends at Syngenta.

This is posted in Featured, From the Magazine

2 Comments on "From a dream encounter to snow in April, recapping our 2022 turf tweets"

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  1. Ellen Cannon says:

    September tweet from Jon Urbanski

  2. Chuck Dellinger says:

    Turf tweet of the year! Jon Urbanski, September 2022 -Best days of my life.

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