Toro partners with GreensPerfection

By and |  March 1, 2013

toropartnershipThe Toro Company has entered into an agreement with GreensPerfection to manufacture and market greensmower brushes developed by Rod Lingle, CGCS, for Toro’s complete lineup of Greensmaster walk and riding greensmowers. Under this agreement, Toro is the only original equipment manufacturer to offer Lingle’s GreensPerfection brushes on its equipment.

The Toro/GreensPerfection brush offerings combine mowing and brushing into one single step. The brushes work in concert with the rotating design, which causes less damage to the turf and provides more lift to the grass blades than traditional groomers, the companys say. In addition to lifting leaf blades to a vertical position for a superior cut, it also throws sand and debris to the front of the mower instead of into the reel to help maintain reel sharpness. The brushes leave a dramatic striping pattern for enhanced aesthetics.

“Partnering with Toro just makes sense,” Lingle says. “Our brushes have been used with great success on greens, tees, fairways and approaches. Now, with Toro’s manufacturing expertise and market reach, they will be available to many more golf courses that could benefit from the technology.”

This is posted in Industry News

About the Author: Kelly Limpert

Kelly Limpert is the former digital media content producer for North Coast Media.

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