Toro busy at GIS with new products, services
Big Red has a lot to talk about this week.
It was hard to keep up with all the Toro product and service rollouts last year at the San Diego Golf Industry Show, but we find ourselves saying the same thing about Big Red’s introductions this year.
The Toro press conference here at the Orlando trade show kept industry reporters busy trying to keep up with new offerings in irrigation and iron.
We’ll start this review with irrigation, then move to the iron, and finish with some Toro news of interest.
Lynx Central Control System
Toro has once again upgraded the Lynx central control system, which provides remote control of irrigation systems. This marks the 12th iteration since the launch of Lynx in May 2010.
The recent upgrade focuses primarily on enhanced sensor inputs for the Lynx Smart Satellite, as well as compatibility with the new Lynx Dash interface. The enhanced sensor inputs collect data regarding rainfall, pressure, temperature, status and flow. The new release also allows the user to set custom alerts that will notify the grounds crew when specific levels on the course hit a designated threshold.
Additionally, this new upgrade makes Lynx central control compatible with the new Lynx Dash – a comprehensive dashboard that provides enhanced information to superintendents and grounds crews, allowing them to make decisions regarding their irrigation practices. Lynx Dash pulls in real-time weather information from a third-party weather provider and provides improved diagnostic information about current site conditions.
Eligible Lynx central control users are assigned their own login credentials, and the upgrades allow multiple users to have simultaneous access to the system. Once the superintendent assigns the credentials, the entire team has visibility to the same information. This allows all individuals to work seamlessly to address practical irrigation issues.
Lynx Dash
The company is also introducing Lynx Dash to complement the Lynx central control system. The new interactive Lynx Dash is a stand-alone service that can be integrated into existing Lynx central control systems or can also be used in combination with SiteVision, the Toro Turf Guard wireless soil moisture monitoring system software.
Lynx Dash is a comprehensive dashboard that provides enhanced information to superintendents and grounds crews in order to make quicker decisions regarding their irrigation practices. Lynx Dash pulls in real-time weather information from a third-party weather provider and provides enhanced diagnostic information about current site conditions.
The system can be used in conjunction with Toro’s Turf Guard sensors and irrigation pump stations to better monitor turf health and system performance before issues occur. For example, if areas become too hot or too dry, alerts on the Lynx Dash notify key course personnel.
The Toro National Support Network (NSN) provides service and support for Lynx Dash. New Lynx central control bundles include Lynx Dash. Existing Lynx and SiteVision customers can add Lynx Dash to their systems. Additionally, Toro’s National Support Network is celebrating its 25th year of serving the turf irrigation industry. The NSN team is planning to recognize the quarter-century milestone with a grand re-opening and community event in May.
Toro says that Lynx Dash will be available in spring 2017.
Lynx Smart Satellite
The Lynx Smart Satellite, an all-new golf course irrigation controller, is designed for enhanced performance and greater reliability, the company says.
The successor to the Toro Network VP, the Lynx Smart Satellite features a faster microprocessor and increased memory, which the company says offers golf course managers superior performance and ample capacity for future enhancements. With fewer cables and connectors, corrosion-resistant metals, vented circuit board covers and simplified power distribution, the Lynx Smart Satellite also delivers improved reliability.
The Lynx Smart Satellite builds upon the Network VP platform with a number of new features, including:
• Updated user interface. A larger backlit six-line display and familiar navigation make manual and diagnostic operations intuitive and productive.
• Enhanced wireless communications. A new digital radio with an integrated modem delivers improved communication signal integrity, new diagnostic information and more control options.
• Sensor input kit compatibility. The controller’s ability to integrate with the new Sensor Input Kit enables local or Lynx central control system response to information from anywhere on the course.
• New diagnostic tools. Through the use of LED indicators, the Smart Satellite clearly displays normal function and diagnostic information to assist with troubleshooting.
All the features of the Network VP are included in the Lynx Smart Satellite system, including station-based flow management, current sensing and alarm notification, and runtimes executed to the second. The new controller is fully compatible with Network VP and Network 8000 systems as an addition or replacement.
The Lynx Smart Satellite will be available spring 2017.
Stealth Series Kit for Infinity Series sprinklers now shipping
The all-new Infinity Stealth Series Kit, the newest addition to the company’s Infinity Series golf sprinkler is now shipping.
The kit improves playing conditions by enabling turfgrass to grow above the sprinkler head, creating a seamless and continuous area of turf that eliminates sprinkler interference during play. Also, through the beta testing process, the new Stealth Series Kit can reduce trip hazards, creating a safer environment for both players and golf course personnel alike.
The kit quickly attaches to any Infinity Series sprinkler, enabling installation below grade while promoting turf growth directly atop the sprinkler.
Additionally, the kit allows grass and root growth through a turf cup design that encourages water drainage to prevent root rot. With 1.5 inches of room to grow, roots are able to retain optimum turfgrass health.
The kit will be available spring 2017.
ExcelaRate controller software enhanced
Toro has upgraded the ExcelaRate control software, which regulates the spraying application for the Multi Pro 5800 and Multi Pro 5800 with GeoLink.
The enhancements are focused on providing more options for the operator. Specifically, operators can now take advantage of either a three-boom, two-boom or one-boom flow meter calibration process for increased precision. Additionally, the new control software features the ability to perform a timed catch test for each nozzle size and color, which maximizes precision and accuracy.
Other updates to ExcelaRate include a more precise manual pump speed control, improved stability of the spray system pressure valve and expanded diagnostic information, like spray system pressure, on the catch test screen.
The overall enhancements to the rate control software provide improved accuracy of the flow meter calibration process, contributing to a more precise overall application. Earlier versions of ExcelaRate can be updated with the new version by your local Toro distributor.
GreensPro 1260
The new GreensPro 1260 greens roller is an upgrade to the GreensPro 1240. The 1260 offers a number of enhancements focused on productivity, reliability and reduced maintenance.
One of these key features is the split stainless steel smoothing rollers, which reduce the risk of scuffing during turns, and overlapping heads, which deliver a consistently playable surface with every pass. It also features a quick-latch coupler with a 60-degree pivot handle to easily make the transition from roll to transport.
Simplifying routine maintenance efforts was a primary driver in the development of the 1260, according to the company. In addition to reducing the number of grease points from four on the GreensPro 1240 to one on the 1260, the new model provides easy access to all vital components of the machine. The drain for the hydraulic oil, for example, is now located on the bottom of the machine to simplify fluid changes. Additionally, the drive system on the new model features a hydraulic drive motor that powers the traction roller. This significantly reduces maintenance associated with traditional chain-and-sprocket drive systems. All of these factors contribute to simplified maintenance efforts.
Additionally, the new GreensPro 1260 offers a number of ergonomic benefits to the operator, including a new bi-directional seat adjustment lever to easily adjust operating position, standard arm rests for increased comfort and a rubber isolation mount to help minimize vibrations to the operator.
The unit will begin shipping in summer 2017.
Multi Pro 1750 with GeoLink
The Multi Pro 1750 with GeoLink technology is a GPS spraying solution designed to maximize efficiency, deliver exceptional coverage and minimize chemical costs by eliminating overspray.
The GeoLink system initially was offered on the Multi Pro 5800 in 2015, and due to the positive reception of the technology, Toro now offers it for the Multi Pro 1750. GeoLink was developed by Toro in partnership with Topcon Positioning Systems. The system is available in both Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) correction system configurations. The latter allows the Toro sprayer to be accurate and repeatable to within 1 cm of set parameters.
According to Toro Marketing Manager Jace Bertsch, the Multi Pro 1750 is most commonly used on tees and greens, and the integration of GeoLink technology now gives superintendents much more precision and control of their spraying applications.
Because of the single-nozzle level control and a more accurate application, superintendents are able to eliminate overspray, which contributes to significant reductions in overall application costs. Additionally, GeoLink ensures consistent coverage, contributing to the overall health of the turfgrass.
Support for GeoLink is offered through the Toro National Support Network (NSN) and includes
Sand Pro
Toro has made some recent innovations to the Sand Pro product family, and is offering what it calls a comprehensive mechanical bunker grooming solution for any application. This includes a complete range of attachments to increase the overall versatility of the Sand Pro line.
The newest attachment for the Sand Pro 3040 and 5040 is the Quick Attach System Flex Tooth Rake, which originally was available only on the Sand Pro 2040Z.
The QAS Flex Tooth Rake’s trowels are made from a modified natural rubber that provides exceptional grooming without damaging bunker liners or turf. Comprised of three individual sections that together span 84 inches in width, the overlapping rake sections are able to continuously groom a 70-inch radius surface to allow operators to groom more of the bunker mechanically.
With more than 20 other attachments available to enhance the utility of the Sand Pro family, the company says superintendents are able to repair a bunker after a washout, groom sand, blow debris and much more with a single machine.
Also new is the Sand Pro Configurator, which allows superintendents to virtually mount attachments to a Sand Pro unit. Users can select from the entire portfolio of front, mid-mount and rear attachments to build their ideal Sand Pro from scratch. The site also allows users to email configurations right from the site.
Most attachments for the Toro Sand Pro 3040 and 5040 mount to the unit through the Quick Attach System, which allows operators to change attachments in less than a minute, contributing to overall golf course maintenance productivity.
In other Toro news…
The Internet of Turf
At this week’s GIS, Toro also introduced the Internet of Turf, which consolidates five of Toro’s key technological products and services under one umbrella. By leveraging the power of the Internet, and today’s latest technological advancements, the company says it’s able to provide actionable data to turf professionals and the tools to get the job done more efficiently, enabling customers to maximize performance of their crew, their equipment and their turf.
Toro leverages connectivity and data in solutions bridging irrigation control, fertilizer and pesticide application, turf and soil monitoring, and equipment performance and maintenance. These major solution areas form the foundation of the Internet of Turf:
• Lynx Central Control System — A mobile web interface with remote connectivity by smartphone or tablet that gives superintendents greater control of their irrigation system. It also provides access to critical data from anywhere to make proper decisions regarding their irrigation practices.
• myTurf Asset Management System — Enables efficient web-based tracking and maintenance management of turf equipment, including operating hours and other performance notifications.
• Turf Guard Wireless Soil Monitoring System — In-ground sensors measure and report on soil moisture, temperature and salinity through a web portal to help customers make data-driven decisions on when, where and how much to water to keep turf healthy.
• GeoLink Precision Spray System — Used with Toro’s Multi Pro sprayers for application control, GPS technology helps deliver greater precision and more consistent coverage.
• NSN Technical Support — Technical support and web-based customer portal that provides customers with a knowledge-sharing database, online chat, and remote central connectivity and monitoring.
It’s estimated that by the year 2020, over 200 billion devices will be talking to each other and sending data on the Web. For superintendents, Toro says this connectivity will translate into opportunities for greater productivity and efficiency across their course operations and management systems.
“Project Delta” product naming contest
Toro is entering the final development phase of a new turf maintenance machine and is asking turf professionals to help give it a name.
“We know what it does, we just don’t know what to call it,” says Noah Wahl, Toro Marketing Manager. The entry period begins here at GIS in Orlando and will continue for several months following the show.
Toro says the product, code-named Project Delta for the change it is sure to deliver to the industry, brings a new level of simplicity, versatility and efficiency to maintenance tasks that have long been considered cumbersome, difficult and inefficient. A prototype is on display at the Toro booth (#2533) during GIS. During the show, Toro invites attendees to submit their suggested name at The website will remain active until April 30, 2017 — the final day of the entry period.
The grand prize winner will receive a trip – including airfare, three nights’ lodging, a show admission pass, and a $500 Visa gift card – to either the Golf Industry Show on Feb. 3-8, 2018, in San Antonio, Texas, or the Sports Turf Managers Association Conference on Jan. 16-19, 2018, in Fort Worth, Texas. The winner will also have the unique opportunity to help Toro launch the new machine.
For more information and the full terms and conditions of the naming contest, please visit The winning entry will be selected based on creativity, suitability for the product and compatibility with the Toro brand.
Toro contributes $50,000 to the Environmental Institute for Golf
The Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG), the philanthropic arm of GCSAA, has again received a $50,000 Toro grant for continued support of the Rounds 4 Research program in 2017. With this contribution, Toro has donated $250,000 to the program over the past five years.
Photos: Toro