The 19th Hole: Pete Tescher

Pete Tescher (Photo: Seth Jones)
Pete Tescher
Superintendent // Grand Lake (Colo.) Golf Course
What can I get you? I’m a craft beer fan… I’ll take a fresh IPA, any of them, I’m not picky.
Tell me about Grand Lake GC. It’s a gem of a little golf course, situated on the western slope of Rocky Mountain National Park. Beautiful scenery, wild animals and tons of stuff to do year-round.
Some of the guys saw a moose out here today, how often does that happen? Several times a week. Just yesterday we had a big Bullwinkle in our shop yard, chowing on the willows.
Tell me about your family. I’ve been married to Stephanie for 22 years. No kids, no pets, just my golf course staff.
What’s it like maintaining turf at 8,300 feet? It’s like starting over every single year. Once the season gets going, it’s easy — not too many diseases, just get some water, we’ve got perfect weather. But you start over from scratch each year, and you better be ready for it.
What’s your favorite tool in the shop? Probably the sod cutter. There’s always an issue on a green after snow melt. And it means it’s summer again. Plus, I like running it.
What’s one thing I have to do while I’m in town? Go check out the view from the front porch at Grand Lake Lodge… they call it “Colorado’s favorite front porch.” They have swings there, grab a beer or a wine and enjoy the
amazing view.
What’s one song lyric that you really relate to? That’s a tough one… probably the Rolling Stones: “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.”
What is the most unusual item you keep in your office? In the summer, my fly rod. In the winter, my skis.
What are your sports teams? The Broncos, the Rockies and for college, my Oregon State Beavers — 2018 National Champions in baseball.
I’m a Chiefs fan, do I need to worry about your Broncos this year? All we have is a defense. I’ll say we go 9-7 and we split the series, both teams winning on the road.
I like it! Thanks for having me out to the Rocky Mountain GCSA Affiliate Cup, it’s been a fantastic day. Come back and see us again soon, and send your people our way — we’ll take care of them!
As interviewed by Seth Jones, Aug. 28, 2018.
Pete is the man!