The 19th Hole: Chris Zugel

By |  July 5, 2016 0 Comments


Chris Zugel CGCS // Straits Course, Whistling Straits, Kohler, Wis.

After golf, what’s your drink of choice? Coors Light. Or coffee, depending on the time of day. Usually I’m running late for one of the kids’ extracurricular activities, so I normally miss out on the 19th hole.

What are your sports teams? I’m a Brewers fan, Red Sox fan and Packers football.

So what’s new in Kohler? We’re pretty much done restoring the course from the 2015 PGA Championship, but you’d be surprised how many zip-ties I still pick up in a day. Now we’re looking towards the 2020 Ryder Cup.

Since Mr. Kohler won the Old Tom Morris Award, has be brought it by the shop to show it off like the Stanley Cup? He hasn’t brought it by the shop, but I can tell you he really treasures that award. I’m sure I’ll have to be in his office to see it.

Tell me something unique about your crew. They’re all really, really tall. Well, I should preface that by saying I’m not tall, but the average height is 6’5”. I think they could give the Golden State Warriors a run.

Best celebrity sighting you’ve had at the course? There are so many celebrities that play out here, but I’d be lying if I told you I knew they were out there. All the golfers look the same to me — unless they’re football or basketball players, they look a little different than normal-sized people.

Read any good books lately? I’ve been into the book “Extreme Ownership: How Navy SEALs Lead and Win” by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. The principals in the book, I use them at home, at work, it’s amazing. A big part of it is owning everything… take ownership of what you’re doing, you’re responsible for your actions, and how it passes down through the ranks.

You worked for the groundskeeper staff for the Brewers for a year, do you ever miss it? I do miss working for them, the staff there was great, the organization was like a family. The hours were tough though, especially having kids. I like being done with work when the sun is still up.

Next time I’m in Kohler, what’s one thing I have to order? If you’re at Whistling, get the potato leek soup. If you’re at Black Wolf Run, get the sausage corn chowder. And if you’re at the American Club, get the fried cheese curds.

That’s a guarantee on the cheese curds. OK, fill in the blank, “In high school, I was voted _______?” I haven’t even thought of this since high school — I was voted best legs. I’m pretty sure they were just making fun of me.

Photo: As interviewed by Seth Jones on May 27, 2016.

This is posted in 19th Hole, Featured, People

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