Tag: state of the industry
2019 was a year of many successes, multiple challenges and happily, a few near misses. An inaccurately forecast hurricane saved a lot of superintendents some trouble (but not the unnecessary prep work), while floods and drought were common themes in
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[Photos: Adshooter / Stock/Getty Images Plus / Getty Images (Tees); RussellTateDotCom / Digital Vision Vectors / Getty Images (Gold Ribbon)] Editor-in-Chief Seth Jones spoke with Nufarm‘s Cam Copley to discuss what trends they have seen in the industry over the
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It’s been a hectic few weeks for the Joneses, as we recently moved. After 10 years of living in a small town of 6,000, we upped and moved the family to the country. Today a neighbor literally rode his horse
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Andrew Perry President, Northwestern Illinois Golf Course Superintendents Association Golf Course Superintendent, Blackstone Golf Club Marengo, Ill. 1.) Generally speaking, how was the golf season this year? Overall, I would say it was an alright year considering the weather we
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Mitchell O’Banion President, Louisiana-Mississippi Golf Course Superintendents Association Golf Course Superintendent, Money Hill Golf & Country Club Abita Springs, La. 1.) Generally speaking, how was the golf season this year? And how did the weather treat you? This past year
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Josh LePine President, Wisconsin Golf Course Superintendents Association CGCS, Maple Bluff Country Club Madison, Wis. 1.) Generally speaking, how was the golf season this year? Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I would say, generally speaking, it was a
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