Social networking with LinkedIn

Linkedin allows its 400 million users around the world to connect. Image courtesy of Ohmega1982 at
Launched in 2003, LinkedIn has grown to become the premier social networking website. People from all different professions make up the more 400 million members that have a profile, and the turf industry is a part of that group.
So why should turf professionals be on LinkedIn?
One aspect of LinkedIn that you can only get by having a profile are the groups members can join, like Golf Course Superintendents Assistants & Interns, and the discussion boards in them.
Joshua Waldman of The Ladders, says that if you join a group with plenty of participation you can gain a lot of knowledge and possible connections through the discussions.
“Not only will you be exposed to news, and new ideas, but you’ll have a chance to demonstrate your expertise through commenting and discussion,” Waldman says. “Sometime alliances are formed.”
Waldman also writes about the scenario where someone has been recently laid off. LinkedIn is a great way to connect with your network to find another job, but if you are forced to look for a new job and start reaching out to herd of people that you do not know they might be suspicious of your intentions.
“It’s always better to dig your well before you need to drink from it,” Waldman says. “If you haven’t been building social equity with your network, you’ll have little to draw from later. So don’t wait until you need it.”
Once you have entered the world of LinkedIn, what makes a profile “good?”
William Arruda, a personal branding consultant and Forbes contributor, advises users to know the top five strengths they want to be known. “If your top skill is project management, describe your project management proficiency in your summary as well as in multiple experience descriptions. This will help the right audience find you,” Arruda says.
Pamela Vaughan, Hubspot‘s manager of blog optimization and growth, suggests adding media such as images, documents, videos, links and presentations to the summary, education, and experience sections of your LinkedIn profile.
“This enables you to showcase different projects, provide samples of your work, and better optimize your LinkedIn profile,” Vaughan says.
If all else fails follow LinkedIn’s ratings. When you are setting up your profile the website will take you step-by-step and make suggestions of what you should add to your profile. Some items are as simple as a profile picture, work experience and education, but you can add your volunteer experience or causes that you support.
LinkedIn rates your profile either beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert or all-star. The more you add to it the higher your rank will be.