RISE: Public comment period extended for EPA’s Clean Water Act
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is extending the 90-day public comment period for an additional 91 days – until October 20 – for the proposed rule expanding the definition of “waters of the U.S.” under the Clean Water Act (CWA).
This rule would significantly impact how homeowners and professionals treat property near any water by subjecting all waters to regulation, including man-made water bodies, rights-of-way, golf course ponds, ditches and flood plains. The public comment period originally ended July 21.
“The proposed rule is complex and includes many broad definitions of important terms defining what a ‘water of the U.S.’ would be under CWA jurisdiction. The extended comment period gives us the time to provide research and science to form meaningful and fully developed comments,” says Aaron Hobbs, RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment) president. “The rule would cause many negative consequences for homeowners and professionals and we are making sure we account for all of these concerns.”
“Pesticide and fertilizer applications provide many benefits, including protecting our communities from vector-borne diseases, controlling the growth of noxious weeds and invasive species, and controlling harmful pests on public and private property. Under the proposed rule, these important applications could be jeopardized by costly permits,” says Hobbs.