Rain Bird expands GSV Series product line with new IC model

By |  January 27, 2023 0 Comments

Rain Bird recently added a new Integrated Control (IC) model to its Golf Solenoid Valve (GSV) Series product line.

The company says the new model provides the benefits of GSV Series Valves to courses currently using the Rain Bird IC System, which connects central irrigation control directly to every rotor and valve for optimal water and energy efficiency.

Photo: Rain Bird

Photo: Rain Bird

“In today’s highly competitive environment, golf courses can’t afford the expense, labor and downtime that valve failures can cause,” said Altan Tolan, product manager for Rain Bird Golf. “By adding this new IC model to our GSV Series, we’re able to give courses that have upgraded to our IC System optimum valve reliability, performance and peace of mind.”

Initially introduced in December 2021, GSV Series Valves are for golf courses in lightning-prone regions, those that use reclaimed water and those that need pressure regulation.

In addition to the new IC model, the GSV Series includes three plastic and one red brass model, each with NPT or BSP thread options. All GSV Series Valves feature a pre-installed PRS-DIAL that regulates and maintains constant outlet pressure between 15 and 100 psi while reducing the effects of water hammer. A waterproof dial cartridge eliminates fogging and binding.

A chlorine-resistant diaphragm protects GSV Series Valves against harsh chemicals and reclaimed water. On plastic models, a scrubber mechanism with a stainless steel screen dislodges grit and plant material, protecting the valve from debris. Built-in filtration on the GBS25 solenoid offers a second level of debris protection. Plastic and brass models come with an extra purple flow-control handle cover for use with non-potable water.

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