Rain Bird announces training schedule

By and |  August 27, 2013

Rain Bird Services has announced its 2013-2014 irrigation training schedule, which includes events at more than 90 locations across the United States. All classes are pre-approved for Irrigation Association (IA) continuing education units (CEUs).

“Our training programs are very different from some of the other educational offerings in the industry today,” said Robert Pfeil, Marketing Group Manager, Services.  “Our classes are designed to train irrigation professionals on proven practices and techniques that can help them take their careers to the next level.  We emphasize professionalism and expertise; we are not trying to sell them products.”

Rain Bird Academy provides technical, college-level training for Green Industry professionals of all skill levels, helping them launch new careers or hone their skills in days instead of weeks or months. Attendees can choose from five preparatory classes that can help them earn these Irrigation Association certifications:

  • Certified Golf Irrigation Auditor
  • Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor
  • Certified Irrigation Contractor
  • Certified Irrigation Designer
  • Certified Irrigation Technician

Individuals new to the industry can quickly learn how to install and maintain irrigation systems by attending Rain Bird Academy’s Boot Camp. This four-and-a-half-day Boot Camp is a hands-on necessity for beginners or those who simply want to acquire more tricks of the trade. Covering products from a variety of manufacturers, the Boot Camp includes classes on irrigation installation, technical skills, landscape irrigation design and efficient irrigation scheduling.

“We’ve been helping people prepare for IA exams for more than 10 years,” said Jeremy Mansell, Senior Technical Trainer for Rain Bird Services. ”All of our instructors are IA-certified irrigation professionals with a passion for education.  In addition to the Rain Bird materials we provide, we also educate attendees using IA materials and best management practices for a well-rounded experience.”

The Rain Bird Factory Trained Program teaches installation, operation and maintenance best practices for Rain Bird systems. Contractors who earn “Installer,” “Operator,” “Technician” and “Expert” designations through this program must re-test every three years to ensure that they are current with new technology and techniques.

“The Rain Bird Factory Trained Program gives Rain Bird contractors a significant advantage over their competition,” said Rain Bird’s Contractor Division Director Paul Lierheimer. “We designed this program to specifically teach the skills required to get the most out of Rain Bird products. The various levels of expertise that contractors can earn through this program can also help them market themselves as leaders within the irrigation industry.”

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About the Author: Kelly Limpert

Kelly Limpert is the former digital media content producer for North Coast Media.

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