Hole of the Month: Hole No. 9 // Skyview Golf Course
Hole No. 9
Citrus Hills Golf and Country Club
Skyview Golf Course // Hernando, Fla.
442 yards, par 4
Fairways & Tees: Tifway 419 bermudagrass
Greens: Tifdwarf bermudagrass
When Superintendent David Hoggard was hired in 1984 by Citrus Hills Golf and Country Club, the club had only one 18-hole course. Now, almost 34 years later, he oversees the maintenance of 63 holes. Hoggard has been a part of the acquisition of a 9-hole course and the building of two more 18-hole courses, including the venue of this month’s Hole of the Month, Skyview Golf Course.
Players on the semi-private course start the 442-yard par 4 on Tifway 419 bermudagrass tees and aim for the matching Tifway fairway. Ultimately, they are trying to make it to the pin on the Tifdwarf green.
When it comes time to protect his greens from insects and pests, he relies on Syngenta’s Acelepryn insecticide. The 34-year turf veteran’s favorite part about the product is its endurance.
“It’s the best product I’ve seen for longevity. I only have to make one application in the spring and another in the fall for year-round protection,” says Hoggard. “As expensive as it is, I would say it is actually cheaper than other products because of how long it lasts.”
Hoggard adds that Skyview at Terra Vista has been “unbelievably dry” this spring, but the course has been looking good. He gives credit for the course’s quality to the plants’ response to his spray program, which leans on Daconil Action and Heritage Action.
“Once I see symptoms on the course, we include both of the products into our spray program,” says Hoggard. “Including them has definitely helped our turf to recover.”
Hoggard admits that he has been using Heritage Action and Daconil Action for only a couple of years, but is glad he has switched.
“It’s working better than what I used before, because the plants seem to respond faster and better,” says Hoggard. “I don’t know what technology or what kind of ‘Action’ is going on, but they work.”