Golfdom to host free wetting agent webinar
Golfdom is hosting a free webinar on Aug. 1 to give superintendents the chance to learn more about the benefits and performance of wetting agents.
The webinar will be hosted by Aaron Johnsen regional sales director and director of technical services for Winfield United Professional. Johnsen holds a B.S. in horticulture, an M.S. in applied plant science and an MBA, all from the University of Minnesota.
Wetting agents are one product where new methodologies can lead to greater gains. During the webinar, Johnsen will discuss wetting agent basics and research. Attendees will also learn alternatives to rates, intervals, products and applications methods. Johnsen will also go over:
- Wetting agent performance under wet vs. dry soils;
- Influence of wetting agents on turf firmness;
- How wetting agents perform under various rates; and
- Wetting agent basics
To learn more, and sign up to attend the webinar, click here.

Photo: Golfdom Staff