Golfdom Files: Temperatures high, crowd low

Source: Golfdom Archives
As the saying goes, the show must go on … even if there aren’t many people there to see it. As reported in the March 1976 issue of Golfdom, the 1976 Turfgrass Conference and Show of the Golf Course Superintendents of America drew 3,142 attendees, including 1,039 superintendents, to Minneapolis. For reference, the Golf Industry Show (GIS) in Orlando had an attendance of nearly 12,000 in 2020 — and peaked in 2008 (also in Orlando), with more than 25,000.
For a while, it looked like GIS would make a triumphant return to the Las Vegas Strip this year. The coronavirus changed all that — and so February’s GIS will have a record-low in-person attendance of zero. Luckily, we’ll all stay connected at the virtual GIS, and with some luck, we’ll be able to meet again in San Diego next year.