Golfdom Files: An old master with new ideas

By |  April 2, 2020 0 Comments
Golfdom February 1944 cover (Photo: Golfdom archives)

Golfdom February 1944 cover (Photo: Golfdom archives)

“Candid” best describes superintendents’ and golf pros’ explanations of how they managed to keep their courses in business during World War II. In a February 1944 feature titled “Experts Tell Answers to Wartime Problems,” supers and others such as Willie Ogg, golf pro at Worcester (Mass.) Country Club, told Golfdom readers that with few visitors and a limited workforce — many of whom were overseas serving in the military — they welded damaged equipment, invented new greenkeeping equipment and maintained only critical course areas so golfers would have turf to come back to. Time will tell how the 2020 coronavirus pandemic will affect the global population, let alone the global business of golf, but it’s clear that superintendents’ resourcefulness and drive has remained steady from the start of greenkeeping through difficult periods in world history. To read the full article, visit

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