GCSAA applauds passage of Florida law recognizing golf course BMP program
The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) commended the signing of Florida H.B. 967 into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis, which recognizes Florida’s Golf Course Best Management Practices (BMP) Certification program. The bill, signed on June 20, went into effect on July 1.
“With Governor DeSantis’ signature, the new law recognizes the significant role that the golf industry has in Florida, and it also acknowledges the long record of environmental stewardship that Florida golf superintendents have embraced,” J. Bryan Unruh, Ph.D., professor at the University of Florida and associate director of the West Florida Research and Education Center, said.
The Florida BMPs are one of the earliest success stories of GCSAA’s BMP initiative, which spearheaded the development of golf course BMP guidelines in all 50 states. The Florida Golf Course BMP Certification Program launched in 2012. This voluntary program, now memorialized in state statute, affords BMP-certified golf course superintendents exemption from certain local training and ordinances relating to water and fertilizer use.
The certification program does not exempt superintendents from complying with the rules and requirements for golf courses located in an area within a basin management action plan, a scientifically based program designed to allocate pollution loads to non-point and point sources.
“The passing of Bill 967 is a testament to the dedication superintendents and others in the turf industry have to maintain golf courses through environmental best practices,” Rhett Evans, CEO of the GCSAA, said. “Florida was one of the earliest adopters of state golf course BMPs, so it is not surprising that industry leaders in the state were committed to seeing them recognized by law. We congratulate everyone in Florida for their hard work and success.”