Garett Heineck wins Musser Award of Excellence

Garett C. Heineck (Photo: Musser International Turfgrass Foundation)
The Musser International Turfgrass Foundation chose Garett C. Heineck, Ph.D., as the 2020 Award of Excellence recipient. The award is given to outstanding Ph.D. candidates who demonstrate overall excellence throughout their doctoral program in turfgrass research.
“My true passion is conducting research focused on improving genetics and agronomics that benefit both the seed producer and also the consumer. I find helping one also helps the other,” said Heineck.
Heineck received his B.S. in crop and soil science with a minor in horticulture at the University of Wisconsin, River Falls. He earned his M.S. from the University of Minnesota in applied plant science in plant breeding and molecular genetics. He received his Ph.D. from University of Minnesota and wrote his dissertation entitled, “Pragmatic Methods for Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) Breeding.” The work completed through his six-year graduate program was aimed at developing improved turfgrass seed production systems and genetics for northern Minnesota seed growers.
“To be counted among the list of recipients for this award is a tremendous honor. It will certainly have a lasting impact on my scientific career, and I hope that my future endeavors warrant this prestigious accolade and continue to fulfill the vision of Professor Musser,” Heineck said.
Since graduating, Heineck has continued his work on not only turfgrass seed production, but also on perennial grains, at the University of Minnesota as a postdoctoral associate. He plans to continue contributing to the field of turfgrass research through innovation in the seed production industry and possibly branching out into other seed crops.
“The qualifications for applicants are very high for the doctoral candidates that apply for the foundation’s Award of Excellence, so all of the applicants are of the highest caliber,” said Frank Dobie, president of the Musser International Turfgrass Foundation. “We strive to select the one candidate who we feel is the best of the best.”
The criteria for selecting award recipients include graduate work, academic record, dissertation, publications, leadership and extracurricular activities. To date, awards have been granted to doctoral students from universities including; Arizona, Auburn, Cornell, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Carolina State, Ohio State, Penn State, Purdue, Michigan State, Rutgers, Tennessee and Texas A & M.