FireFly Automatix begins offering capital and operating leases on AMP autonomous mowers

Two AMP’s from FireFly Automatix mowing at The Santaluz Club in San Diego, Calif. (Photo: Firefly Automatix)
FireFly Automatix has begun offering both capital and operating leases to interested customers.
According to FireFly, interested customers can apply for competitively priced leases of 36 to 60 months (three to five years) for up to $500,000, with lease applications typically reviewed and approved within 24 hours. The leases are available to organizations located in the United States. They are ideal for qualified parties that prefer a leasing approach for using/operating FireFly’s AMP all-electric, self-driving Autonomous Mowing Platform.
“Not every golf club, turf farm, sports team or governmental entity wants to tie up its capital by making a significant purchase requiring a large up-front cash payment, even if they have the means to do so,” said Lindsay Jones, chief financial officer of FireFly Automatix. “Now, in concert with our financial partners, we can give our existing and prospective clients the ability to transform a large, one-time capital outlay into nominal monthly payments over the course of a lease term. This flexibility makes a big difference to our customers, and we’re happy to be able to offer them this new financing option.”
According to Jones, FireFly’s lease program is ideal for many organizations, whether they are candidates for the company’s 100-inch-wide AMP professional mowing platform or its automated slab and/or roll turfgrass harvesters. FireFly began shipping its professional AMP mowers earlier this year, with initial customers seeing dramatic productivity gains and lowered operating costs by deploying AMPs, whether used on golf courses or sod farms, according to the company.
“We’ve already worked with multiple prospective lease customers,” Jones said. “And in some instances, these organizations had their leases approved within two hours.”
Capital Leases vs. Operating Leases
According to FireFly, a Capital Lease allows a customer to acquire an AMP mower or a FireFly harvester without incurring large, up-front capital expenditure (cash payment). Clients using a Capital Lease approach make nominal fixed monthly payments and then own the equipment at the end of the lease term.
Conversely, Operating Leases provide clients with a flexible and cost-effective way to use an AMP mower (or one of FireFly’s harvesters) without the burden of ownership, much like leasing a car or truck. In this way, clients rent FireFly equipment from a funding partner by making monthly payments throughout the payment term, with purchase options also available at the end of the lease.
Organizations and individuals interested in investigating FireFly’s leasing program should visit FireFly’s leasing page on its website. There, they can also explore monthly lease payments with FireFly’s Leasing Calculator, which shows payment options driven by the prospective lease amount and the length of the lease term.
Interested parties can also email FireFly at or call (801) 683-7301 to learn more about its leasing programs.
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