Backed by Bayer app equips supers with turf tips, solutions
Environmental Science, a division of Bayer CropScience, released its Backed by Bayer app. Free for download on iPhone and iPad devices, the app provides solutions and preventive tips to combat weeds, turf diseases and pests.
“Increasingly, lawn care operators and superintendents are being asked to take on responsibilities that go way beyond the traditional scope of turf management,” says Scott Welge, head of marketing for Bayer’s turf and ornamental (T&O) business. “It is important for us to be there for superintendents where they are in greatest need of information and technical solutions – be it on the course or during a customer visit.”
Weeds, turf diseases and insect pests can be searched via the app to identify a problem and see recommended treatment. It also offers comprehensive product information, a rate calculator, weather information and access to Bayer sales representatives, distributors and current promotions.
“Lawn care professionals are constantly looking for new technologies and resources that help them do their job and better communicate with customers about the issues on their properties,” says Pete Farno, Bayer’s lawn and landscape business manager.