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About Sarah Webb
Sarah Webb is Golfdom's former managing editor. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Wittenberg University, where she studied journalism and Spanish. Prior to her role at Golfdom, Sarah was an intern for Cleveland Magazine and a writing tutor.
Posts by Sarah Webb
A quick rundown of the rules and rewards for Golfdom magazine's inaugural Superintendent Bingo, sponsored by Sipcam Agro USA. Read more»
EcoBunker appointed Hamish Crichton as its new business development manager. Crichton joined EcoBunker at the start of May, from soil surfactant and wetting agent provider Aquatrols. “I come from a Read more»
Experts from Rain Bird, Hunter Industries, Ecologel and Toro lay out the best practices superintendents should follow when it comes to spring irrigation. Read more»
Ian Rodriguez, Ph.D., technical services manager for Quali-Pro, discusses ways superintendents can manage the annual bluegrass weevil. Read more»
A family opens their home to foster children; the golf industry gives them the shirts off their backs. Read more»
Dakota Dunes features bentgrass tees, greens and fairways, all of which have been impacted by grub damage and has always struggled with white grub. Read more»