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About Matt Neff


Matt Neff is the assistant golf course superintendent at Wedgewood Golf & Country Club in Powell, OH. He is a graduate of Malone College in Canton, Ohio, and obtained his turfgrass science degree from The Ohio State University. He has been writing for Golfdom since 2013.

Posts by Matt Neff

This too shall pass Posted on 15 Aug 2018 in the Columns categories.

Ah, the dog days of summer. The weather is miserable, you and the crew are exhausted and the turf wants nothing more than to shut it down until next spring. Read more»

Matt Neff: Anti-social media Posted on 06 Jun 2018 in the Columns categories.

I am not a huge fan of social media. I have a Twitter account, but aside from a few friends and some miscellaneous sports accounts, my feed is almost entirely Read more»

Like fine wine Posted on 26 Mar 2018 in the Columns categories.

They say we live in a youth-obsessed culture. “They” say a lot of things, much of which is somewhere between dubious at best and ridiculous at worst, but I think Read more»

Staying engaged with a ‘do it yourself’ mentality Posted on 15 Feb 2018 in the Columns categories.

Certainly, everyone is by now aware of the number of assistant superintendents who have left the business over the last four or five years. Reasons given usually involve some combination Read more»

Matt Neff: What I learned from YouTube Posted on 18 Oct 2017 in the Columns categories.

The YouTube rabbit hole. You’re checking out a highlight from the game you couldn’t stay awake for the night before, and next thing you know, you’ve been watching police dashcam Read more»

A few of my least favorite things Posted on 24 Feb 2017 in the Columns categories.

It really is hard to complain about our jobs. Sure, this profession has moments that might make you think you’d rather being doing anything else at that particular time, but Read more»