Ask Thad: What stood out to you at the GCSAA Conference and Show?

(Graphic: Golfdom Staff)
Aside from the overall networking and camaraderie, did anything stand out to you at GCSAA C&S?
The GCSAA Conference and Trade Show is something I look forward to every year. Yes, I get to catch up with friends and colleagues from all over the country. I get to spend time with family and local friends in a different professional setting than at a local chapter meeting. I also get to see how our business has grown and expanded both professionally and in importance. It’s great to see our side of the profession being respected and represented in all facets of the golf business.
Something that stood out to me was how many vendors participated in the trade show. I didn’t see any empty booths and the vast trade show floor had an almost carnival atmosphere. On Wednesday the trade show was mobbed. I did a lot of walking, observing and getting a feel for where everyone was located. Thursday is my day at the trade show, I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I took in a couple of seminars at Hector’s Shop, I got the QR codes for my SIP Grinders and I voted for Lita’s boyfriend Wilson at the Lebanon Turf booth. I had hours of one-on-one conversations with vendors. I enjoy putting a face and name with a company. It helps in networking, and it makes it personal. I’m not shy about asking questions about any product that I consider using and walk away with the information that I need and the follow-up contact information. Thank you to all the vendors who put up with my questions! As an industry, we can’t and won’t thrive without the support of every vendor. Hat’s off to you all.
Another thing that is capturing my attention is the Turf Bowl. Seeing the knowledge and passion the next generation has is truly astounding and our profession will be in good hands for years to come. My nephew, Brenden, is a turf student at SUNY Delhi. My brother, Drew (his father), and I attend the closing celebration every year to listen to the results. SUNY Delhi came in 10th out of 63 teams. The GCSAA Conference and Show is turning into a family affair for the Thompsons.
Got a question for Thad? Tweet to @TerryHillsMaint and @Golfdom or email Thad at