Ask Thad: 2 p.m. Stimp check hot take

By |  April 29, 2021 0 Comments
(Graphic: Golfdom Staff)

(Graphic: Golfdom Staff)

What is your take on the 2 p.m. Stimp check?

— Sam, Kansas City, Mo.

Greens rolling at 11 feet at 2 p.m. every day, 1.9 percent organic matter, constant color, 100 percent turf coverage, free of all standing water and saturated areas, superintendent responsible for any misapplication resulting in turf loss …  Apart from the first two ridiculous points in a JOB DESCRIPTION, isn’t this what we try to hold ourselves to anyway? I know my daily expectations and goals fall right in these parameters, and the last thing I need is a GM looking over my shoulder. To the general managers, owners, boards of directors and greens committees looking for quality applicants, we are turfgrass professionals that hold ourselves to a higher standard than any job description.


Metal before, during or after fertilization?

— Darwin, Parry Sound, Ont., Canada

All of the above! I’ve been into heavy metal music since I was in high school and as a semi-grownup. It’s always been on around the house and in the background. My two boys are in their 20s and are huge metalheads from rocking out since they were babies. Pots and pans as drums, brooms as air guitars and Guitar Hero as a teaching tool. They are now living libraries of heavy metal, and their knowledge puts me to shame. My son Dylan is the drummer in the metal band Invictra and my son Daley is an awesome guitarist who sits in with his brother on different projects. Ahh, family bonding.


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About the Author: Thad Thompson

Thad Thompson is the superintendent at Terry Hills GC in Batavia, N.Y.

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