Advanced Turf Solutions welcomes Kent Turner to sales team

Kent Turner
Advanced Turf Solutions (ATS) added Kent Turner to the team as its newest sales representative. Based in the Cincinnati area, Turner will foster and manage relationships with golf course professionals in the area, providing the products and advice they need to succeed.
Turner has more than 35 years of experience under his belt, including 25 years as a golf course superintendent. He is also a GCSAA member, has served as president of the GCGCSA and is the current president of the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation.
According to the company, Turner says he enjoys building relationships with customers and looks forward to their success with his help and the products offered by ATS.
“Kent is an incredibly knowledgeable and all-around great person and ATS is happy to have him on board,” said Brad Nevitt, vice president of sales at ATS. “Kent’s commitment to customers, love of the game and vast experience make him a valuable addition to the team.”
ATS is a green industry distributor serving golf, lawn care and sports turf professionals. Founded in 2001 in Fishers, Ind., ATS now has 25 locations throughout the Midwest and beyond.