A Camaro on the cover
I’d like to unveil to you, the readers, our July cover… That’s superintendent Mike Combs, CGCS… and his 1970 Camaro!
Questions some may be asking would be, ‘Why is there a Camaro on the cover
of Golfdom?’ and ‘What does an old Camaro have to do with being a superintendent?’
I’ll answer both:
1) Because it’s awesome
2) Nothing!
Stacie Zinn Roberts wrote the cover story this month, titled “Driven to distraction.” It’s about superintendents who keep and maintain classic cars. It’s a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy it.
Regular readers of my column know that I love classic cars. I have a 1964 Chevy Impala, and I recently sold my 2002 Camaro Z28. I’m like many of you, I’m a guy who has to peek into the window when he sees an old GTO in the mall parking lot.
But how do I justify having a Camaro on the cover of a magazine that’s primarily about maintaining fine turfgrass?
It’s the middle of summer. The golf season is in full swing. Our readers are putting in long hours. I figure they need to have a little fun.
I like to think that we have a zest for life here at Golfdom. We enjoy this industry, our jobs, and the fact that we get to put out a pretty cool magazine month-to-month. Just in this issue we have a photo of a frozen margarita with a Dos Equis tipped over inside it (page 48) and a photo of the mysterious Turf Stig (page 10). But we’re also serious about our turf. Hence, the features on greens covers, fairy ring and plant health.
Some readers may roll their eyes at this month’s cover. You can never please everyone. But to the readers who get what we’re doing here at Golfdom… I hope they say, “That’s a sweet ride! Who is that superintendent, and what is under the hood of that bad boy?” And I hope they turn to page 26 to find out.
I do hope you enjoy the issue. Your comments, about the cover and any of the stories, are always welcomed.