19th Hole: Rob Dorsch

Rob Dorsch
CGCS // Richter Park GC, Danbury, Conn.
Rob, what can I get you? Either an IPA — Racer 5 from Bear Republic — or a Tito’s and soda.
Tell me about Richter Park GC? It’s a public golf course in Danbury, Conn. We’ve got water on 16 of the 18 holes. At one point many years ago it was in the top 25 golf courses in the country. It’s a special place — fun, lots of elevation. I’ve been there 18 years.
Tell me about your family and what do you all do for fun? I’ve been married 30 years this March. My wife is Misty and we have three girls — Skylar (26), Payton (24) and Savanna is 21. For fun? We travel and drink.
What teams do you root for? Yankees, Giants and the New York Rangers. The Giants are terrible right now.
Who is your No. 1 favorite golfer and why? Payne Stewart. When I was an assistant superintendent at TPC Scottsdale, he invited me to the birds nest to go celebrate with him when the band got up on stage. I have a hat that was signed by him; it’s a Thunderbirds hat.
What do you think of the Golfdom Summit? This has been an exceptional experience. Having one-on-one meetings with vendors and getting to learn about and discuss products … the amount of learning, the amount of networking and friendships … it’s a first-class event. It’s exceeded everything I imagined.
If I ever get out to Danbury, Conn., what is one thing we’ve got to do? We’ll go sit at Rosy Tomorrow’s. One of the best bars in the area. And you’ll see where my name is enshrined in the bar. I’ve been going there for a very long time. My youngest daughter worked there, that was her first job.
Do you have a most memorable day at work? I’m a baseball guy. I was able to meet Mariano Rivera on my golf course. I knew he was playing so I ordered a picture of him exiting the field for the last time. I brought it up to him and he signed it “Exit: Sandman.”
I have a question I don’t think I’ve ever asked, but I’ve got to ask you: What is the meaning of your tattoo? I have a matching tattoo with my youngest daughter. We’re both cancer survivors. I rang the bell in 2017; she rang the bell this October. 12/21/2017 is mine and 10/16/24 is hers. Ironically, I rang the bell on my wife’s birthday, she rang the bell on my nephew’s birthday, who is also my godson. I also have a tattoo of baseball stitches covering my port scar. It says, “cancer 0, Big Rob 1.”