Wisconsin assistant wins Toro greensmower
A lot of assistant superintendents in the news lately, eh?
Here’s a press release from Toro about an assistant superintendent winning a Toro Greensmaster TriFlex Hybrid riding greensmower.
Two thoughts before I turn you loose on the release:
1. “Petrifying Springs Golf Course” is a great name for a golf course.
2. The other day I entered a drawing for a giant flat-screen TV at my local Dairy Queen. The very next day, DQ called me. “Mr. Jones, this is Amanda from Dairy Queen, I have good news,” she said. I took a breath. “Yes?” “You entered our drawing… and you won a Dairy Queen hat! We’ll re-enter your name in the drawing for the TV…”
Here’s the release about Lori Stanek, who did way better than a Dairy Queen hat:
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The crew at Petrifying Springs, including Lori Stanek, assistant superintendent, on the mower, and David Hassel, supervisor of golf conditions, to her left. |
Toro would like to congratulate Lori Stanek, assistant golf course superintendent at Petrifying Springs Golf Course in Kenosha, Wis., on winning a new Toro Greensmaster TriFlex Hybrid riding greensmower. The giveaway was part of Toro’s “Master the Greens U.S. Tour” equipment demonstration series hosted at golf courses across the country this summer.
“I attended the Master of the Greens tour because they were previewing the new TriFlex mowers from Toro. When I found out I won the mower I was in total disbelief,” recounted Lori Stanek. “This is a great opportunity for Kenosha County to have a quality mower.”
“The TriFlex is a superior machine,” continued Stanek. “The mowing units actually hug the greens, giving us a superior quality of cut. It will have a big impact for the golfers because the ball will travel straight and true, every time.”
Dave Hassel, Kenosha County’s supervisor of golf conditions, added, “This really is a state-of-the-art mower that Toro has introduced. Kenosha County has always had a great relationship with The Toro Company, and we are just so pleased to have the opportunity to receive this mower. The machine will be a tremendous asset for us in the future.”
Petrifying Springs, considered the flagship of the Kenosha County Parks system, features an 18-hole layout complete with an abundance of trees and a beautiful, rolling landscape. Designed in 1936, the course has received several awards and recognized as the “#1 Sporty Course in Wisconsin” by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.